Bank Account details
Currency | CHF | EUR |
Postal Check A/C | 60-143022-7 | 91-505114-7 |
IBAN | CH91 0900 0000 6014 3022 7 | CH19 0900 0000 9150 5114 7 |
Account holder name | Schweizerische Heraldische Gesellschaft (SHG) | |
Holder address | CH-2000 Neuchâtel | |
Bank name/address | PostFinance SA, Mingerstrasse 20, CH-3030 Berne | |
Clearing code | 09000 | |
Beneficiary reference | Required payment reason (e. g. invoice number, donation, etc.) | |
Remitter’s name | Remitter’s name must be mentioned shall you pay on behalf of. |
Annual membership fee
The annual membership fee has been set by the Annual General Meeting at CHF 100.
Important information
Bank cheques and bank notes via express post are not accepted.
Members abroad
Our members abroad do not pay extras, despite significantly higher postage costs. That's why we ask you to use one of the following payment methods to keep bank charges as low as possible.
Electronic bank transfer
Please pay by electronic bank transfer free of charge for the beneficiary (code:"OUR") to any of the IBAN mentioned above.
Our Treasurer will be happy to answer any questions regarding the above guidelines:

Raphaël Darbellay
Trésorier et responsable du fichier adresse des membres SSH